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Eggplant Chips

Liz Lund
Delicious way to eat eggplant without the squishy slimy texture
Prep Time 7 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 5 people


  • 1 frying pan I like cast iron but most anything would work.
  • 1 spatula make sure it's thin so you can skooch it under the eggplant
  • 1 basting brush Mine's silicone so it can go in the dishwasher but a fiber one would work well too
  • 1 sharp knife or mandolin Mandolin is easier but be careful to not to cut yourself!


  • 1 eggplant
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 large sprigs rosemary
  • 1 tbsp salt


  • finely chop the rosemary and put it in the olive oil. You can mince it with kitchen scissors in the olive oil if you'd like. It's easy and makes the olive oil taste more like rosemary.
  • Thinly slice the eggplant. If cooking in a pan slice it super fine. If grilling go for a little thicker. The super thin ones will burn on the grill.
  • Heat the pan to medium heat put a glug of cooking oil on the pan and add the eggplant slices to the pan. Brush the rosemary olive oil onto the eggplant, let it soak in then turn the slice over and brush the other side with rosemary olive oil.
  • Fry the eggplant till it's medium brown on both sides and slightly crispy. Immediately salt them when you take them off the frying pan. Salt these puppies like they're potato chips. Trust me it's better this way.
  • Eat them immediately and feel good about eating your vegetables for the day.